We are Third Pie Studios!


OCTOBER 26, 2020

Welcome to the Third Pie Studios blog! Here, we will write about the things that inspire us as creators, the skills and tips we are learning, and any major updates as they relate to our upcoming projects. Subscribe at the bottom of the page to be notified when we post. Today, for our first post, we are asking to hear from you, our audience! Alex McCord, the vision behind Ages of Cataria, has always been a lover of colony-sim games. Many of the aspects of our game are inspired by the things he loved/didn't love about games like Rimworld and Clash of Kings.

One of the great things about our company is that our mission is to grow ourselves and create an amazing game. Another great thing about us is that we are small enough to implement changes at a moment's notice. Because of these things, we want to hear from you: what do you want in a city-building game? What are some of the things you like or dislike about city-building games? What is something you always wish you could do in your favourite colony-sim? We are making this game for YOU, so here is the opportunity for you to tell us exactly what you want. Know that your feedback will be heard, even if we choose not to implement it in our game. Your feedback is valuable to us, so bring it on! If you want to have a greater say in the final product, become a backer, and be a part of our exclusive Game Dev Discord server.

Thank you for being a part of this process! Have a phenomenal day.


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